We can confidently said that Faith Shield is the best personal protective equipment factory in the world. It produces the finest and most superb concealed stab-resistant clothing like no other. From head to toe, Faith Shield manufactures perfect and durable concealed stab-resistant clothing of all sizes. There are also produced with a hand pick of first-class materials.
- Product Reliability
Having a magnificent manufacturing craft, Faith Shield products give absolute personal protective equipment. Its products offer exceptional, certified, and tested levels of puncture resistance to the entire body. These concealed stab-resistant cloths also guarantee a slash and cut resistance as well. Providing reliable protection from edged weapons, knives, and blades, wearers are protected during force entry operations (The Police Special Force). The civilian population will also benefit when faced with knife attacks. However, Faith Shield has made security more fashionable through its concealed stab-resistant clothing.These products can be obtained in two distinct and fascinating colors (Grey and Black).

- Faith Shield Concealed Stab-Resistant Clothing Products.
Having the finest personal protective equipment, Faith Shield provides its users with a variety of top concealed stab-resistant clothing products. Ranging from head to toe, they include:
- Tactical Bulletproof Helmet
- Fireproof Balaclava Anti-Stab Tactical Mask
- Tactical Slash Resistant Balaclava Mask
- Slash Resistant Hat
- Slash Resistant Neck Guard
- Cut, Puncture, and Slash Resistant Neck Guard
- Slash Resistant T-Shirt
- Slash Resistant Stand-Up Collar Sweatshirt
- Slash Resistant Long Sleeve T-Shirt
- Slash Resistant Hooded Coat Anti Cut Zipper Jacket
- Anti-Stab Clothing Warning Vest
- Bulletproof Vest Tactical Armor
- Cut Resistant Gloves Level 5 Safety Hands Protection
- Safety Arm Protection Sleeves Slash Resistant Arm Guard
- Concealed Flexible Rifle Armor Bulletproof Vest
- Concealed Police Baton
- Business Bulletproof Bag
- Summer Slash Resistant Shorts
- Slash Resistant Long Johns
- Abrasion Resistance Beach Sport Socks
Multifunction Anti-Stab Boots
- Benefits and features of Faith Shield Personal Protective Equipment.
Faith Shield fabricates its concealed stab-resistant clothing products with excellent fiber. Also, Special protective layer is added to provide them with perfect puncture resistance protection. These personal protective equipment are durable and can last for longer periods before developing holes. There are widely beneficial in carrying out:
- Law enforcement duties
- Violence prevention
- Patient doctor relationship
- Metal and glass chip handling
- Assembly line
- Target Customers Professionally Working with the Following Sectors
Faith Shield concealed stab-resistant clothing fabrics are aimed at, yielding to the demands of the following works of life.
- Private Security
- Law enforcement and policing
- Military and SWAT team
- Immigration, Border, and Custom Control
- Hazardous worker and glass cutting workshops
- Corrections and prison services
- Riot Squad with forced and quick entry
Be assured to pick the best concealed stab-resistant clothing at Faith Shield. Having more elegant and fashionable personal protective equipment will protect you from accidental knife injuries like no other. All its premium products have been tested and certified, proving its top quality in the market. Faith Shield guarantees extremely dependent cut protection from its concealed stab-resistant clothing.